Hey Guys! I got into PC world by playing PC games as a young kid. I have always been a fan of first person shooters and games that have more complexity, without having to give up your life to play it. I learned how computers work when I would LAN with friends in high school. Back then some one always had a network issue or didn't have the latest patch. So I would have to fix it for them, as I wanted us to all play together and have a good time. I then went to College for IT, met some more friends and tried to start my own business running a LAN center. Granted things didn't go great during the housing crisis, though I started working in the corporate IT would by then, so that was a savior. I continued to game playing some Natural Selection 2 for a while, then started playing Over Watch with some friends. I haven't had as much time for gaming as I have a family now. I try to put new content out when I can and look into developing new devices as well. The ArrRGB DAC I developed started out as a personal project. After I saw there was a need and decided to start selling it and I recently picked up 2 new retailers, so I decided to put this site together in notepad. :)